Product Description:
Warmth, a DC inverter multifunctional air-to-water heat pump adopting advanced heat pump technology, absorbs natural heat from the ambient air and then release heat to the room or water. not only satisfies room heating requirements but also supplies domestic hot water. Moreover, Warmth can also provide you with cool air in hot summer.
It adopts a two-stage compressor technology to improve the heating capacity and energy efficiency under low temperature, with A7W35 COP up to 5.4, and average climate SCOP 35℃, A+++.
It consists of a fan coil unit, heat radiator, floor heating and a hot water tank to provide five working modes including cooling, heating and water heating.
г. Санкт-Петербург, 198097
ул. Трефолева, стр. 2 БН
тел.:+7(921) 920 60 45
тел.:+7(905) 223 13 36
тел.:+7(960) 283 98 86
пн-вс / 10:00-20:00