Product Description:
Mini Split Air Conditioner can install a single condenser and wall-mounted unit in the room you want to cool or heat, allowing you to better control the temperature in each room and reduce energy costs.
Fireproof Electric Control Box:The box is optimized with larger space for safety and functional requirement. Easy disassembly and maintenance.
Rated Cooling Capacity:
9K, 12K, 18K, 24K, 36K Btu/h
г. Санкт-Петербург, 198097
ул. Трефолева, стр. 2 БН
тел.:+7(921) 920 60 45
тел.:+7(905) 223 13 36
тел.:+7(960) 283 98 86
пн-вс / 10:00-20:00